"Vipra Narayana"  story is based on the life of a Tamil Vaishnava Saint who led his life in devotion to Lord Narayana and worked for the Perumal by dedicating him with garlands. He is one of the 12 Alvars. P. Ramakrishna and Bhanumathi of Bharani Pictures decided to go in for a devotional subject for their sixth production and selected the story of Vipranarayana. While Bhanumathi herself was the natural choice for the role of Devadevi, Ramakrishna signed ANR to play the saint .Music is by S Rajeswara Rao for this 1954 film . Bhanumathi songs are superb while A M Raja songs are no less. Personally for me , this film is all about her songs first..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUJbcpOFsgE ....



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